North Carolina Masters Swimming Records

The following table contains links to Long and Short Course Meters and Short Course Yards swimming records achieved by swimmers registered with the LMSC for North Carolina at the time they achieved the record for their age group and event.

The table below shows the last time the records were updated on the website; the web page shows the record date as of the last recorded swims input into the records.

Meets held outside of the state, except for National Championship meets, are not monitored explicitely for North Carolina swimmers' records. If you have changes, or if you have beaten a time shown on the current records, please notify Sara Dunn - our records keeper - by sending her an email with your name, age group, meet name and date, and if possible a link to the meet results. After verification, you will receive a confirmation.

Short Course Yards Short Course Meters

Long Course Meters

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Last Updated Date June 25, 2024 Jan 6, 2024 Aug 27, 2024

About the team names, if a record was set at an in-state meet, the NCMS workout group name is being used. If the record was set outside of the state, the NCMS parent club name is used.